it's more likely they'll reach the age of 80, look around, and realize all they have to show for their time on earth is a...
bookcase full of old yellowing books, unread in the last 30 years....
That just sums me up!
George PIMO JW
i was under the impression that it was going to be a short war, that russia’s military would indeed subdue ukraine’s forces quickly but that is not happening.
seems that russia’s military power is much less than it’s reputed to be.
no guess how it will all end..
it's more likely they'll reach the age of 80, look around, and realize all they have to show for their time on earth is a...
bookcase full of old yellowing books, unread in the last 30 years....
That just sums me up!
George PIMO JW
just curious about the rest of you.
i was bullied quite badly throughout my school years because of being a witness and not participating in religious holidays, sporting celebrations, assembly (worship), and the like.. it was mostly from other pupils but there were a couple of teachers who definitely treated me badly.
that was back when uk teachers still caned pupils or were allowed to hurl the heavy wooden blackboard duster across the room at them.... i still have ptsd flashbacks on some of those events even after 50 years!
Just like Stan above, I also went to an all boys grammar school but this was back in the 1950's. It was a pretty tough school but I loved to fight, we still did boxing in those days and I had also boxed in junior school. In fact it was the only sporting activity I was any good at!
All the other kids knew I was a JW but never gave me any trouble. I knew a JW similar age to me who went to the local secondary modern school and the kids there made his life miserable. He used to dread waking each morning. I just don't know how I would have coped with that.
i am still on my holiday around the uk and currently am in the midlands if anyone is around i’d love to catch up - hope you are all well xx.
“I'm used to southerners so my standards are pretty low🤷♀️“
I'm a grumpy old northerner that now lives on the south coast. The locals I have and do deal with have all welcomed me and I have made many friends, JW and non-JW. Don't tar everyone with the same brush.
I'm older than you two but cannot remember King George VI dying in 1952. I well remember watching the Coronation in 1953 on TV, a 12" B/W which we all crowded around and thought it was magical. My mother told me that the 'H' on certain people's chimney was to show they had a TV!
At school we received a Coronation New Testament plus a cup and saucer and also a mug.
Currency with the various kings, George VI, V etc were in regular use up till the 1970's when new decimal currency was introduced. They will eventually produce new designs of currency to reflect the change, but the old stuff will continue until the end of its natural life.
there is so much silence about the jw's in the ukraine conflict.
are the jw men arrested because they don't want to fight?
how is that going in the hyper nationalist fase the country is in?
A JW couple that I know are currently accommodating a Ukraine sister and her two young children. They are advertising locally looking for accommodation they can rent at a reasonable price. The husband is still in Ukraine and having difficulty getting out at present. I don't know if he is allowed alternative service.
During WWII here in England the women did not run overseas, they stayed and helped the country. My mother worked in the munitions factories and I know of others who worked in engineering, taking on the jobs that the men would normally have done but for conscription. What happened to patriotism?
if you are looking for pre-1950 watchtower mags, try.
how about pdfs.
I used to use Strictly Genteel which had most old publications on line. However it seems to have disappeared of late, anyone know if that's the case?
watchtower lawyer david brumley has been fined for misleading the court during the discovery process of the montana case.
the result was another 17 months of the courts time and the plaintiff having to produce evidence that wtpa did have a pivotal role in congregational business, which brumley had denied hoping that the courts would take his word for it.
he will be personally responsible for reimbursing the costs accrued by the plaintiff, due to his misleading affidavit.. see mark o donnell's twitter statement here:
I don't think Brumley is your average Bethelite living on the standard allowance. He has a very nice house on Brimstone Lane though whether he or WT own it I don't know. He is mentioned in a life story is in July 2020 WT. I think he was originally a joiner and the WT sent him to college.
in july the congregation received $2300.00.
only 40.00 for the worldwide work and zero for ramapo project!!!.
if this is typical no wonder the org.
Here in the UK it doesn't matter what we send to HQ, either from the boxes or on line donations from individuals. Once we have amassed 3 months average expenses all surplus is sent to HQ. There is no resolution as a single resolution was taken a couple of years ago that authorises the elders to do this without any further resolutions.
i know there was a painting of a woman being resurrected naked and someone coming to greet her holding clothes, but what about after perfection, after the thousand years?.
the idea is we're supposed to achieve what adam lost by returning to human perfection, so wouldn't that include not wearing clothes, especially as the act of adam and eve hiding in the trees and sewing fig leaves signified shame, and imperfection passed on through the reproductive organs.
has the wt ever addressed this?
water canopy? how was that held up? pressure? velocity like the rings of Saturn? That dreamed up high altitude H20 never existed. imho.
@waton The WT Society always used to preach that it was the water canopy that kept the earth an even temperature all year round and in all areas. This water came down at the flood and why the climate changed. If we are all to walk round in the nude then they will need to somehow get this canopy back in place!
Of course we all know it's complete twaddle, the water canopy was dreamt up by Isaac Newton Vale, a 19th Century quack "scientist" and came to be known as Valian Theory, discredited many years ago. J F Rutherford of course fell for it and incorporated into his books (Creation IIRC) and so became WT teaching ever since. Several posters on here have explained the scientific detail of why this is completely wrong.
The Paradise book (1958) shows Adam & Eve bare and also shows naked people in the NW. The the Garden of Eden picture shows Adam plus a cockerel and a squirrel with a couple of nuts, these two same creatures are in the NW picture. You can draw your own conclusions and parallels to the male anatomy and what these images mean.